Utstyr til Blueye X3
Ping Sonar Altimeter and Echosounder
Ping-ekkoloddet er et enkeltstråleekkolodd som måler avstander opp til 50 meter under vann. Denne sensoren muliggjør en ny kontrollmodus kalt "Auto-Altitude", som lar deg holde en konstant avstand til havbunnen selv om vanndybden endrer seg mens du beveger deg rundt.
Blue Robotics

An echosounder, like the Ping, is one of the simplest forms of underwater sonar. It operates by using a piezoelectric transducer to send an ultrasonic acoustic pulse into the water and then listens back for echoes to return. With that information, it’s able to determine the distance to the strongest echo, which is usually the ocean floor or a large object. It can also provide the full echo-response (echo strength versus time) which can be plotted like the display of a fish finder sonar.
The Ping uses a 115 kHz transducer frequency, away from those used on most boat echo sounders to avoid interference. It has a measurement range of 50 meters (164 feet) and a measurement beamwidth of 30 degrees, perfect for applications on a rocking boat or for obstacle avoidance. An advanced bottom-tracking algorithm runs on the device to determine the distance to the seafloor, even in complicated situations with multiple echoes.
Using the Ping together with the Blueye X3 allows for a new control mode called auto-altitude which allows you to keep a constant distance to the seabed even if the water depth is changing while you move around.
Bruksområder for et altimeter / distanse måler
Mål avstanden til havbunnen.
Hold en konstant høyde mens du dykker over ujevnt terreng.
Følg en rørledning enklere når den skrår ned i dypet.
Hold ønsket høyde ved bruk av en multi-beam sonar eller side-scan.
Ta konsistente bilder ved å vite avstanden til det som er foran deg.

Teknisk spesifikasjon
Ping Sonar Altimeter and Echosounder
The Ping sonar is using a wide-beam pulse (30 degrees) that makes it robust against an uneven sea bottom with obstacles sticking up. If you have it forward facing, it will also help you to find large objects such as a quayside wall or a shipwreck, which is particularly useful for navigation. The minimum distance it can measure is 0.5 meters, so if you go closer than this, you cannot trust the readings.

Acoustics | |
Frequency | 115 kHz |
Beamwidth | 30 degrees |
Minimum Range | 0.5 m |
Typical Usable Range | 50 m |
Absolute Maximum Range (firmware limit) | 70 m |
Range Resolution | 0.5% of range |
Range Resolution at 50m | 25 cm |
Range Resolution at 2m | 1 cm |
Physical | |
Pressure Rating | 300 m |
Temperature Range | 0-30°C |
Weight in Air (w/ cable) | 133 g |
Weight in Water (w/ cable) | 55 g |
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